Services offered

HubSpot Audit

  • Assess CRM structure and usage against your goals
  • Assess data quality: overall data quality, data gaps, and reporting opportunities
  • Assess team efficiency: lead nurturing, automation, sales efficiency tools, internal processes, etc.
HubSpot Audit

Project Implementation

  • Development and implementation of a customized project plan crafted to fit your company’s specific goals, needs, and timelines. Cathy will lead your team through project planning and execution.
    • Strategy Development (mapping customer journeys, data flows, and sales funnels)
    • HubSpot Implementation (creating workflows, updating contact properties, clean legacy data, setting up integrations, etc.)
    • Documentation & Training (ensuring that your company and employees can run the system without the continuous need for consulting services)
    • Project Management (facilitating team alignment and individual task management to ensure project success)
Map data funnels

Marketing Consulting / Ongoing Support

  • Hourly consulting blocks (purchased in advance) to support your team with ad hoc marketing needs and requests:
    • Building reports, interpreting data, and finding opportunities for growth/improvement
    • Maintaining your CRM automation and systems for your changing company and processes
    • Answering HubSpot questions and debugging your CRM
    • Best practices and customized ideas for how to setup and use HubSpot for your unique situation